
people are lucky i don't have a gun in my car

maybe that's a little harsh..no, no it's not. seriously! doesn't it seem that whenever you're in a super big hurry to get somewhere (because of your own laziness and lack of punctuality of course) that you are surrounded by the world's WORST drivers. maybe they just follow me (kind of like how i attract crazies). there's the "i'm going to drive exactly parallel to your car so that, no matter how fast or slow you drive, you CANNOT get around me" driver. and the "i have my seat leaning so far back i can't see over the wheel, but it's ok because you don't need to see to drive" driver. oh, and the "i'm so old i'll probably die before i get to my destination and should be the poster-child for mandatory drivers tests every year after 80" driver. god! so really the world should thank me for driving unarmed. because otherwise i would likely be in prison after failing to convince a judge and jury that my murderous highway rampage was justified. whatever, they were all bad drivers, too. maybe i should just keep a dry erase board in the car so i can write mean, condescending things to people as i speed past them glaring (and likely using a few choice words that i am hoping are not macie's first). i could write things like "oh! i must have missed the drivers ed class where they explained that you figure out the speed limit by looking at that weird sign with 2 numbers and subtracting 10". i might have to shorten that one a bit..

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