my itsy bitsy baybee rolled over today! from back to front! so that leads me to this post.
macie turned 3 months old on the 30th. 3 whole months. where did that time go? i know some people are thinking "gosh lady. she's onlyyy 3 months. it's not like she's walking or something." but THREE? really? i have loved every second of it. but it seems like those first few months, no matter how hard you try to remember everything, you're so tired and trying to get into a routine, and blindly doing whatever this tiny little person dictates, that you forget. you're so busy trying not to die of sleep, that you don't memorize every little detail like you want to. how small did her feet used to be? how did she look laying on her tummy, with her tiny little butt up in the air? i've already started to pack away some clothes. *tear* she still fits in 0-3, but the newborn stuff is too small. it just seems like you're so busy offering food and clothing and maybe even the hubby as sacrifices for TEN MORE MINUTES OF SLEEP and before you know it the baybee is smiling and cooing and then ignoring your cell phone calls and driving with the music too loud! gah!
this month macie is so much stronger. she lovesss to be held upright. she has pretty great head control and just looks around. she has discovered the tv and thinks it's awesome. she has also discovered her hands. best.invention.ever. they serve as constant amusement. she stares at them, licks them, noms on them. a perfect toy. that is always here. heaven. or that's what i think she thinks. macie rolled from tummy to back at 2 weeks. this was solely a rebellion against tummy time. she did it a few times since then. but nothing consistent. she still has a MAJOR bone to pick with tummy time. whoa. as soon as i put her on her stomach all hell breaks loose. "how DARE you place me on my stomach? lady, you move me and you move me now. or suffer the consequences." the consequences are incessant screaming until i pick her up. i'm not too concerned, because she does have good head and neck control. about 2 weeks ago she started "talking". you can see her really thinking about it. trying, trying. and then "ah" or something along those lines. (brilliant. i know! can you believe it? i should probably get harvard medical school on the phone, right?) once she hears it she just grins. like, "wow, was that me? sweeeet". she'll go back and forth with you when you talk to her. sooo cute. she has fallen in love with her mobile, now that she can see it. she also lovesss to watch riley. she just follows him around the room with her eyes. her love for attention is becoming apparent as well. ME ME ME. look at ME. she's learned that if she yells, someone will come look at her. as soon as you look at her she just smiles. tricky little thing. she's in size 1 diapers, and like i said, still in 0-3 month clothes, and some 3-6 depending on the brand.
oh! i'm going to risk jinxing myself with this one. because i want to be able to look back and remember how lucky i was. macie is a champion sleeper. riley was, too. naps are iffy. we have yet to find a consistent schedule. she seems to be a fan of catnaps. she can sense when i am about to put her down. not when i do, when i am ABOUT to. and she wakes up. and stays up. every once in awhile we get a good 2ish hour nap in. we're working on it. at night she has her last bottle around 10pm. and...(here's the best part)...sleeps until 5 or 6ish. girls need their beauty sleep.
and i'll leave you with some pictures! because who can resist such a cute baybee???
She's beautiful! Isn't it amazing how much they change in three short months? I know what you mean about being sad about packing away clothes. Sully is already in 3-6 month clothes. It's so sad!