

the other day, my husband told me (as he often does) "you're frickin' weird". he said it with love, of course.
so i got to thinking about it. and i really can't argue about him.
i have several...i'll call them..quirks
  • i can't drink water at night. it makes me sick. for whatever reason, if i wake up at night and have some water, it seems to have a syrup-y consistency. then i want to vomit.
  • when i'm upset..don't touch me. i'm sure there are other people out there like this. my hubby thinks it's weird. i cry. i stomp. i want him to say nice things. but i don't want to be touched. and i complain and get upset about the nice things he says.
  • i cannot relax. not even if my life depended on it.
  • i check the stove and doors every night before i go to bed. three times.
  • i am creepily picky about hotels. i have, on several occasions, made matt leave hotels because i was creeped out by the room.
  • i also make him leave restaurants if i don't get a good vibe. even if we've already been seated. and ordered drinks.
  • i usually have to sleep with one leg out of the covers.
  • i frequently rearrange the furniture in our house. like a lot.
  • everything makes me nauseous. one time, i told matt he needed to stop talking, like now, because i was going to vomit if he didn't.
  • sometimes i will re-read an entire page in a book, newspaper, etc because i "feel" like i missed something.
  • i am terrified of centipedes. i once saw one scurry under our dryer and watched to make sure it didn't come out until matt came home. then i made him move the dryer and kill it.
  • i will fight about anything. anything. if i think i'm right (and well..i always am), i will fight you about it.
  • i remember everything. sometimes based off of where i was sitting, what i was eating, or what i was wearing.
  • sometimes i go to target 3 times in one day. oops.
  • taking a bite out of a hard boiled egg without slicing it completely grosses me out.

weirded out yet? i'm sure there are more.


  1. Yeah, so....some of those I do and I refuse to believe I'm "weird"...you need to learn to deflect!
